Grass seeds for recreational and sporting grounds

Grass seeds for recreational and sporting grounds contain lawn seed selections of the hardiest species and varieties that are perfectly suited for sports fields and children's playgrounds. If you need an everlasting turf, you have come to the right place!

This subcategory encompasses lawn seed selections that spread broadly and develop strong root systems. Thanks to excellent tolerance to frequent mowing the Super Wembleyka lawn turf resistant to treading from Planta constitutes an excellent choice for sowing on sport fields. The Golf grass – resistant to heavy use and close mowing, from the same producer, shows similarly high quality and useful features. You will grow ideally compacted, even, brightly green turf – just like those you can see at greens on the most famous golf courses – from this selection. Olimpia – lawn seed selection for frequently used sites from Target also displays almost unmatched regeneration capability after mechanical damage. If you are, on the other hand, looking for seed mix for a home garden, where your family would rest and relax, the Trawnik Polski Sport for frequently used sites would do the trick. You will find large packages of this lawn seed at exceptionally affordable prices at our online store. Check out our other offers, too. We have a wide selection of lawn seeds of various kinds in small ad large packages available. That is why we are certain that you will find the lawn solution you look for at our store.

Garden Seeds Market offers lawn seed for recreational and sporting grounds at competitive prices both online and per mail order. Choose and order lawn seed with affordable home delivery and we will take care of the rest. Premium quality is our main characteristics. We invite you for a shopping tour that will satisfy all your needs!
