Green manure herbs - for fruit-bearing vegetables - 1.5 kg

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Green manure herbs offer an easy way to obtain abundantly growing and healthy crops without using chemical protection agents. The mixture available here in our garden store is intended for supplementation of fruit-bearing vegetables. Aromatic tomatoes, juicy bell peppers, refreshing cucumbers and many other excellent vegetables will appear on your borders after application of the natura, safe green manure fertilizer. This liquid plant food is full of easily available nutrients. it will also optimize soil properties. The structure of the soil will be enhanced through stimulating soil-borne bacteria to active, continuous work. Organic vegetable growing translates into the nutritional value. Vegetables supplied with manure contain less nitrates and more substances that are beneficial to your health. They taste better and have longer storage life.

Ingredients: common dandelion leaves, nettle greens, bird's knotgrass greens.

Instructions of use: put the inset with herbs into a large container and cover with 10 litres of water. Leave in a warm place for about two weeks. We recommend to stir the liquid daily in order to speed up the fermentation. Take the inset out and dissolve in water in 1:20 proportions. Use the prepared solution for watering and put plant rests into a composter. The same green manure, dissolved in water at 1 to 40 ratio, is a great aphid-protection agent.

5 litres of green manure is sufficient for circa 1 sq m, repeat the treatment every fortnight.

The package contains 1.5 kg green manure herbs for fruit-bearing vegetables.