Fireplace and barbecue chimney starter - ø 17 cm

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Fireplace and barbecue chimney starter is a steel tube with a diameter of 17 centimetres. It comes in very useful during the barbecuing season, when the family gathers in the garden for a feast. This professional product allows you to light briquettes and charcoal quickly and ecologically. The igniter uses the simple chimney draft mechanism. This phenomenon makes use of the fact that heated air rises.

This hassle-free and sturdy accessory is extremely easy to apply. Fill it with charcoal or briquettes, place it directly in the grill bowl on the previously lit kindling. Remember to remove the grate or tray first. A chimney fire starter is an excellent product that will make you forget the obstacles one can face when starting the fire needed to prepare delicious roasted food.

This product has been certified by the Polish National Institute of Hygiene.

  • Material: steel