If you dream of a rustic garden, garden lupin seeds are a must. One of the more popular plants will adorn the space around your home. Our online store offers seeds of many varieties of the large-leaved lupin that differ in inflorescence colour. These plants fit into flower borders and into vases as cut flower.
„My Castle” garden lupin variety that will adorn your garden with its magnificent, dark red inflorescences all summer long, is particularly recommended. „The Governor” variety with blue-violet blooms or „Chandelier” with pale yellow blooms may also arouse your interest. The „Chatelaine” variety will decorate the space around your house thanks to its pink-purple inflorescences. The indecisive ones can always choose seed selection of different varieties. An easy trick allows you to extend lupin blooming period – you only need to cut off wiltered inflorescences.
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