Geranium, Pelargonium seeds

You will find pelargonium (geranium) seeds in our garden store. This plant is often called the queen of balconies. Pelargonium seeds stand out with high quality, since they come only from renowned producers. You may choose from numerous pelargonium varieties with differently coloured blooms. Thanks to this wide choice you can easily create an excellent composition that would adorn your balcony or home interior from early spring until the first frosts in autumn.

We recommend red-flowered pelargonium that would look great in balcony boxes and pots of all kinds on a terrace and at home. This variety can also decorate public space. It harmonises with the pelargonium variety producing large white flowers gathered in impressive umbels. We also suggest giving a try the pink-orange pelargonium that can be planted both in pots and on flower beds. Ivy-leaf pelargonium that develops single, multicoloured blooms will thrive in hanging baskets and adorn the home interior and vicinity from spring until autumn. Its leaves also present decorative value – they shine and resemble ivy leaves, hence the name.

Pelargonium is rather undemanding in cultivation and should not cause any trouble to even unexperienced gardeners. We should remember, though, it should grow in permeable, fertile soil. You should water it every two days and even daily in hotter periods. Do not sprinkle it with water, as this often leads to rotting.

4.13 2.48
Red Geranium is a perennial that grows 40 to 60 centimetres in height. Its flowering period is exceptionally long – it lasts from the spring all the way to...
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11.23 6.74
Ivy-leaf pelargonium "Speedy mixed" (Pelargonium peltatum F2 hybrids) develops cascades of exuberant, grape-like inflorescences what makes it one of th...
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