Green manure herbs - for root vegetables - 1.5 kg

135.71 kr
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Green manure herbs for root vegetables constitute a natural mixture of dried plants with specific properties. The main goal of using it is to fertilizer the soil and improve its structure in order to optimize growing conditions for carrots, beetroots, pasley and celery. Application of the natural, green manure increases vigour of the soil-borne bacteria that influence the circulation of organic matter and elements. Thanks to that activity plants are supplied with easily available nutrients. It also enriches the soil with a vast array of macronutrients. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium are the foundation of healthy plant growth and development. Manure is additionally rich in micronutrients. Plants fed with this kind of fertilizer are large, healthy and delicious. This mixture contains: common comfrey, nettle and bird's knotgrass.

Instructions of use: put the inset with herbs into a large container and cover with 10 litres of water. Leave in a warm place for about two weeks. We recommend to stir the liquid daily in order to speed up the fermentation. Take the inset out and dissolve in water in 1:20 proportions. Use the prepared solution for watering and put plant rests into a composter. The same green manure, dissolved in water at 1 to 40 ratio, is a great aphid-protection agent.

5 litres of green manure is sufficient for circa 1 sq m, repeat the treatment every fortnight.

The package contains 1.5 kg of herbs for green manure preparation.