Ipheion - White Star - GIGA Pack! - 500 pcs.

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Introducing the Ipheion - White Star - GIGA Pack! - 500 pcs, an extraordinary offering for garden enthusiasts and professional landscapers alike. This expansive pack is designed for those who wish to make a significant impact with this lesser-known but equally captivating bulb plant. Standing at a petite height of approximately 15 cm, Ipheion is an excellent choice for enhancing borders, flower beds, and even sunny to semi-shaded plots.

The Ipheion plant boasts a graceful silhouette, adorned with lush tufts of narrow, oblong leaves. These serve as a canvas for the small, star-shaped flowers that come to life in April. Each flower features six white petals, accented by a subtle greenish streak down the centre. The blooms are not only visually appealing but also emit a sweet fragrance, particularly noticeable on sunny days.

Planting these bulbs is a simple process. They should be planted in the autumn, specifically between September and October, at a depth of 6-8 cm. Opt for locations with light, humus-rich, and well-drained soil. Due to their early growth cycle, these plants are vulnerable to frost, so it's advisable to provide a protective covering over the planting sites. After their springtime bloom, the plants enter a dormant phase, only to reappear the following spring. The bulbs are prolific, generating numerous offshoots that contribute to the expansion of the clump year after year.

This comprehensive package contains 500 White Star Ipheion bulbs, making it ideal for larger projects or shared community gardens. Each bulb is accompanied by a label offering essential information on plant care and cultivation.

27,666.00 ₽   553.32 ₽ x 50 =  27,666.00 ₽

CODE: 025404