Liquid home and balcony plants' fertilizer - "Zdrowe Rośliny" (Healthy Plants) - Target® - 1 litr

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Liquid home and balcony plants' fertilizer - "Zdrowe Rośliny" (Healthy Plants) from Target®, available here in 1 litre packages, is an all-purpose plant food that belongs to the top products available on the market and is intended particularly for supplying pot flowering plants. It has been granted the EC sign - a confirmation that it complies with all EU norms. Presented concentrate contains a full set of all necessary nutrients that are responsible for longevity and abundant blooming of plants grown at home and on balconies. As a NPK-type fertilizer it fully covers flowering plants' needs for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It stands out from the other products with a balanced, optimal composition of micronutrients: iron, zinc, boron, copper, manganes and molybdenum. The full set of easily available, highly effective nutrients ensures that your plants stay healthy and vigorous. Your petunias, geraniums, begonias, verbenas, impatiens, nemesias, garde pansies and coleuses watered with the "Zdrowe Rośliny" (Healthy Plants) fertilizer will develop more buds and its flowers and leaves become hardier, denser and vividly coloured. The product offered here feeds the plants and at the same time increases their resistance to cultivation errors and unfavourable external conditions.

Product needs to be dissolved in water before use. Detailed dosage instructions can be found in every package.

One bottle, equipped with a handy dispenser, contains 1 litre of the liquid "Zdrowe Rośliny" (Healthy Plants) home and balcony plants' fertilizer. This is an original Target® product.

Fertilizer application rate:

Time of application: April - September

Dosage: 10 ml per 1 litre of water