Marten repellents

Explore our Marten repellents category and discover a wide selection of proven solutions to deter these pesky creatures. If you're looking to effectively prevent visits from these troublesome furry intruders, our Marten repellents category offers products like user-friendly sprays and potent liquids from reputable domestic and international manufacturers (Arox, Bros, Hunter, Sumin). These are specially formulated chemical agents, not poisons, that are highly effective in repelling martens and other pests such as deer, mice, voles, weasels, and foxes. They're suitable for use both inside buildings and in vehicles.

We also provide eco-friendly live traps suitable for martens and other similar pests. These traps ensure a humane method of capturing and relocating animals to areas away from human residences. For those who prefer the latest innovations, we offer top-notch electronic repellents from the Polish market. These gadgets emit sound frequencies that deter martens, all while being completely inaudible to us. Moreover, you can find easy-to-install repellents in our store, either battery-operated or electrically powered, including the highly appreciated transistor-based models with extensive sound emission ranges. For added effectiveness, consider our audio-flash repellents that work against both martens and wild birds, thanks to their dual-action of auditory and visual signals. Regardless of your budget, our diverse selection caters to various price points and is designed for both indoor and outdoor environments, even for vehicles (do check out the highly acclaimed DUO-LED repellent for cars). Dive into the descriptions, make an informed choice, and safeguard your space from martens. All this at competitive prices, prompt delivery, and unmatched effectiveness. Dive in and make a purchase today!

Marten Kunagone, the natural effective marten repellent, is an innovative product that bases on non-toxic ingredients. It effectively repels pests from...
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Bird, marten & other wild animals' repellent - flash and sound - sounds of birds of prey Flash & sound bird, marten & other wild animals' deterrent -...
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The device that we present here is an ultrasound deterrent with a movement sensor and frequency regulation from Greenmill. It is easy to mount in the garden...
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The MOCNY PRO deterrent is the next generation of the model that many customers came to love. In contrary to its predecessors, it has been equipped with a...
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