Scarecrow - Maggie (Gosia)

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A scarecrow is a traditional method of scaring of birds and wild animals that damage your crops in the garden or on a plot. The freshly sown seeds, young seedlings and ripening fruit constitute attractive fodder for the birds. You often think how to drive away the unwanted visitors without using brutal force. A scarecrow proves to be an effective and decorative solution. The straw-and-fabric doll with a face of a girl with pigtails is a great idea for protecting your harvest in the orchard or a vegetable garden. The nice 'Gosia' scarecrow is a product that will keep you company during weeding of the beds and at the same protect your cultures. The colourful attire and the frills and ribbons that fly and swirl on the wind will scare birds off. The carefully and aesthetically manufactured scarecrow will not only drive away birds, including starlings that feed on cherries, but can also become a garden ornament.

Height: 1.5 m