EKO mosquito repelling incense - 5 pcs

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EKO mosquito repelling incense protects the area in which you stay from the biting insects in a safe and natural manner. It contains oils that are released while the incense burns and effectively repel mosquitoes, flies, and gadflies from the spaces in which the product has been used. It is free of artificial chemical compounds, therefore safe and can be used even when children are around. Presented incense is manufactured exclusively of herbs: Labrador tea, common tansy, wormwood, lavender flowers, and birch polypore (in different proportions). These ground ingredients have been put into nice, thick, paper tubes. Our incense can be used both inside and outside your home.

In order to protect the space from the insects, place the incense on an even and non-flammable surface. You can place it on the window sill or in the door. Ignite the tube and make it glow by gently blowing air on it. One tube produces smoke for about an hour. The smell of the herbs lasts longer, for two to three hours.

Each package contains 5 pieces of the EKO mosquito repelling incense. This product comes from Dary Natury, a leading manufacturer of herbal products from Poland.