Granulated Nitrophoska - comprehensive fertilizing - 3 kg

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Granulated Nitrophoska, available here in 3 kg packages, enables comprehensive fertilization and belongs not only therefore to the most popular all-purpose fertilizers used in cultivation of many kinds of plants. The proposed EC NPK fertilizer may be used in home gardens, on allotments and for growing industrial crops. Well balanced set of ingredients with high content of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) make Nitrophoska an excellent starter fertilizer applied before the sow and seedling planting. Broadcasting the granulate over the soil at the beginning of the vegetation period allows you to quickly replenish deficiencies of all important elements and nutrients, providing the plants with a healthy head start. Macro- and micronutrients that nitrophoska contains come in easily assimilable form, what enables the plants to absorb and use them truly effectively. This perfectly balanced multicomponent fertilizer gives the shrubs, trees, vegetables and flowering plants energy needed to develop strong roots and increases their resistance to diseases, pests, heat and drought. Thanks to low chloride content the fertilizer offered here in our garden store is perfectly suited for plants that are sensitive to these compounds and guarantees high yield of delicious vegetables and fruit that would also delight with long shelf life.

Granulated nitrophoska is intended for direct application onto soil, but it might also be dissolved in water and used as foliar emergency fertilizer for weak and disease-ridden plants. You will find the necessary dosage and application information on the package.

Ingredients: nitrogen (13.3%), phosporus (6.1%), potassium (17.1%), magnesium (4.5%), sulphur (21%) and boron, zinx, manganese, copper, molybdene and iron.

The package offered here contains 3 kg of granulated nitrophoska fertilizer that can be fed to all garden plants.

Annual plants. Broadcast the whole dose of the fertilizer over the ground before seeding or planting and mix thoroughly with the soil with rake, spade, plough, harrow or rototiller.
Perennial plants. Spread the prescribed dose of the fertilizer evenly on the ground as early as possible in spring, preferably in one round. When performing top dressing, avoid spraying the fertilizer over wet plants and do not apply more than 5 kg per 100 m2.