Green manure herbs - enhances soil quality - 1.5 kg

52.78 SR
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Green manure herbs offered here are a truly unique gardening product. Dried composition of specially selected herbs will help all fans of organic farming and eco-friendly life in their gardening efforts. Presented mixture consists of nettle, ramsons, camomile blooms and dandelion greens. It is intended for regeneration and fertilization of the soil. The substances in the herbs enhance life funnctions of the soil-borne bacteria, cause them to multiply and therefore increase soil structure. Large amounts of macro- and micronutrients positively influence the quality and number of the fruit. They would also become healthier - more resistant to pests and diseases. Taste and aroma of your crops will get stronger and more recognizable. The very same manure, dissolved at 1:40 ration will protect plants from aphids.

Instructions of use: put the inset with herbs into a large container and cover with 10 litres of water. Leave in a warm place for about two weeks. We recommend to stir the liquid daily in order to speed up the fermentation. Take the inset out and dissolve in water in 1:20 proportions. Use the prepared solution for watering and put plant rests into a composter.

 5 litres of green manure is sufficient for circa 1 sq m, repeat the treatment every fortnight.

The package contains 1.5 kg of herbs for green manure preparation.