Long-lasting and extra efficient tomato, cucumber and herb fertilzer - Target® - 500 g

99.05 HK$
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Long-lasting and extra efficient tomato, cucumber and herb fertilzer offers a truly innovative solution that allows you to obtain rich, first class crops with minimum effort. This EC, NPK fertilizer with an admixture of magnesium is available here in convenient granulated form. You only need to broadcast the product around the plants and it will start to dissolve after watering. Granules have been devised the way that the nutrients they contain are gradually absorbed by the roots. You will not have to worry about the overfertilization of your cultures anymore. This is by far the easiest method of supplying your herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes with all nutrients they need to properly develop and yield rich crops.

Instructions of use: Apply circa 25 g of fertilizer per one plant. The handy container with a built-in dispenser facilitates dosing and application - you simply broadcast the granules over the soil surface. 500 g of the presented fertilizer allows you to feed 16 plants.

One package contains 500 g of the Long-lasting and extra efficient tomato, cucumber and herb fertilzer from Target®.

Application method:
broadcast the prescribed amount of fertilizer evenly, gently plough into the upper layer of soil and water thoroughly. You may also apply the fertilizer by mixing it directly with the soil prepared for planting. Tomatoes and cucumbers - 25 grams per plant. Herbs - 10 grams per pot.