All-purpose Fertilizer - intense plant growth - BIOPON® - 1 litre

34.67 SR
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This liquid all-purpose fertilizer from BIOPON® is intended for feeding ornamental plants - green and flowering - as well as vegetables and fruit. It may be applied at home and outdoors in the garden. Carefully selected nutrient proportions guarantee excellent results. Liquid fertilizers are quickly absorbed and easily available, hence you may expect an improvement of the condition of your plants shortly after the application. This preparation enhances plant growth and improves their colouring. It will also beneficially influence the number of produced blooms and fruit.

Ingredients: nitrogen - 8%, potassium - 4%, phosphorus - 3%, micronutrients

We hereby offer an all-purpose BIOPON® fertilizer for intense plant growth (1 litre).

Application method. From April to August: one-third of a cap (10 ml) per 1.2-1.5 litres of water. Apply every 7 days during the intense growth and flowering periods. To be applied while watering or per foliar application. Apply once a month only from September to March.