Daffodil - Yellow Dream - 5 pcs

Old price: $10.79
You save: $4.32 (40%)
Promotion ends 2024-06-01
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Yellow Dream Daffodils are like rays of sunshine in your garden. Their vibrant, intensely yellow flowers resemble miniature roses, bringing a burst of natural beauty to your landscape. These daffodils stand tall on sturdy stems, beautifully complemented by their slender, emerald leaves. Whether gracing your flowerbeds, garden borders, or containers, Yellow Dream Daffodils add a touch of radiant joy. They also make excellent cut flowers, infusing any space with the cheerful spirit of spring.

Plant Yellow Dream Daffodils in the autumn, allowing them to establish strong roots before winter arrives. These versatile flowers thrive in both sunny and partially shaded spots. Plant the bulbs at a depth of 8-10 cm, spacing them about 15 cm apart. Ensure well-drained, fertile soil, rich in humus, but never waterlogged. Consider enriching the planting site with organic fertilizers like compost when the buds appear for optimal growth and lasting beauty.

This package includes 5 Yellow Dream Daffodil bulbs, with each label providing essential growing instructions.