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Spring Starflower bulbs, Ipheion

Delicate and fragrant - these descriptions best capture the essence of beautiful Ipheions. In the bulb section featuring these enchanting flowers, you will discover genuine horticultural treasures. They will infuse a touch of variety into your spring-blooming bulb flowerbeds. Explore our selection, pick a package of these small bulbs, and the satisfaction derived from growing these flowers will be truly gratifying. We guarantee top-quality bulbs and seedlings at affordable prices. Dive into the detailed descriptions and bring your dream garden to life.

Hailing from South Africa, Ipheions are bulbous perennials that deserve broader recognition. They are easy to cultivate, and their clusters can thrive with minimal maintenance for many years. They will flourish splendidly when provided with humus-rich soil, preferably slightly acidic in pH. Choose a well-lit, sunny location for planting Ipheions. It's best to plant them in the autumn, ideally in September and November, for a spring bloom.

These small bulbs conceal incredibly charming flowers within. They grow in clusters, raising slender stems crowned with star-shaped blossoms. The color palette encompasses shades of blue, pastel pink, and white - all readily available in our store. Their innocent appearance is complemented by a sweet fragrance with a noticeable honeyed note. In the summer, they practically vanish from the garden landscape as they enter dormancy, only to awaken effortlessly in the spring. Ipheions are low-maintenance flowers that require little fuss. Simply provide them with proper winter protection to prevent freezing.

Ipheion species make for an ideal addition to borders, low flowerbeds, and rock gardens. They excel in naturalization and thrive as potted plants. They create magnificent displays in dry areas alongside building walls.

Explore our selection of Ipheion bulbs and let yourself be captivated by these enchanting plants. Allow yourself to be enticed by these wonderful flowers at exceptionally affordable prices. Discover the array of interesting varieties awaiting your selection!

NT$67 NT$40
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