Lily 'Gomera' - Oriental, Fragrant

46.44 kr
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Indulge in the allure of the Oriental Lily 'Gomera', a botanical marvel that enchants with its exquisite pink hue and graceful presence. Standing tall at approximately 100 cm, this lily is a striking addition to any garden or balcony, boasting large flowers that span up to 16 cm in diameter. The vivid pink color and delicate, undulating petal edges of the blooms are truly captivating.

Each stem of the Lily 'Gomera' has the potential to yield up to seven buds, with this number increasing annually, enhancing its splendor over time. Versatile in nature, 'Gomera' thrives equally well in balcony boxes and garden borders. Planted along flower beds, it forms a lively and dynamic display that effortlessly becomes the focal point of any outdoor space.

For optimal growth and flowering results, it is essential to plant Lily 'Gomera' during specific periods - spring (March-May) or autumn (September-October). Planting at depths of 15-20 cm with spacing between bulbs set at 25-30 cm ensures proper root establishment before winter sets in for abundant blossoms come next season.

Preferring sunny or lightly shaded spots with fertile, well-draining soil conditions; Lily 'Gomera' flourishes best when provided moderate moisture levels while avoiding waterlogging. Regular watering during growth phases is vital for its development; however, caution must be exercised against excessive watering to prevent root damage.

Lily 'Gomera' serves as an ideal choice for floral enthusiasts seeking a touch of pink elegance within their surroundings. Its vibrant blooms not only add colour but also emit a delicate fragrance that elevates sensory experiences within gardens or balconies.

This offering includes 1 bulb of Lily 'Gomera', accompanied by expert cultivation guidance on the product label - ensuring your gardening endeavors are met with success and beauty beyond compare.