Lily - One Love - Oriental, Fragrant - GIGA Pack! - 50 pcs.

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Introducing our GIGA Pack of One Love oriental lily bulbs, featuring an impressive 50 bulbs of this exquisite variety. The One Love oriental lily is renowned for its large, fragrant, and captivating dark pink flowers, which grace your garden with their beauty during the summer months.

These lilies exhibit strong, upright shoots that culminate in branched inflorescences, making them the perfect choice for enhancing home gardens and balcony containers. With their substantial, sweet-smelling blooms, lilies hold a special place in the hearts of garden enthusiasts. The deep hue of the flowers and the impressive height of this variety make it an exceptional focal point in any garden composition. These elegant lilies, with their slender, lushly foliaged stems, cater to those who appreciate striking forms and intoxicating scents. One Love oriental lilies can be cultivated outdoors, in containers, or as cut flowers, offering versatility in their use.

Lily bulbs are composed of fleshy, overlapping scales, and they can be planted either in spring or autumn. Choose well-draining, fertile soil that has been properly cultivated for planting. Lilies thrive in slightly acidic soil, which can be achieved by incorporating some peat into each planting hole. Optimal placement involves a well-lit area with partial shade, as this helps the flowers retain their vibrant colors for an extended period. Lilies dislike excessive moisture but are equally intolerant of drought. To counteract this, plant the bulbs in slightly elevated positions to ensure proper water drainage, reducing the risk of rot and fungal diseases. It's advisable to mulch the lily planting site, as this suppresses weed growth and safeguards against water evaporation and bulb overheating. For prolific and splendid blooms, feed your lilies with multi-component fertilizers or well-decomposed compost. To extend the flowering period, remove spent blossoms as they fade.

This GIGA Pack includes a generous 50 One Love oriental lily bulbs, each accompanied by a product label containing essential information about the plant and its care. Elevate your garden with the enchanting presence of One Love lilies, and order this GIGA Pack today to enjoy their remarkable beauty and fragrance all summer long.

$2.35 x 50 =  $117.43

CODE: 024954