Lily 'Pink News' - Oriental, Fragrant

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Introducing the exquisite 'Pink News' Lily, an Oriental variety celebrated for its aromatic blooms and striking pink colour. This plant is a treasure for those wishing to infuse their gardens with distinctive vibrancy and fragrance.

The 'Pink News' Lily produces magnificent blooms that become the highlight of the summer garden, emanating warmth and exuberance. Its robust stems, cloaked in lance-shaped leaves, provide a sturdy foundation for the large, branching clusters of flowers. The plant's stature, with flower stems reaching 60 to 80 cm in height, ensures it makes a significant impact in any setting.

Apt for both garden beds and elaborate floral arrangements, this Lily flourishes in July and August, offering a subtle yet impactful display. For thriving growth, bulbs should be planted in well-draining soil during the spring or autumn months, positioned 15-20 cm deep with 25-30 cm spacing to allow for expansive blooming in the following seasons.

Not only does the 'Pink News' Lily serve as a decorative garden feature, but it also brings a unique elegance to indoor spaces with its vivid pink blossoms. The plant's dynamic presence and delightful scent are sure to enhance any area.

This package provides 1 bulb of the 'Pink News' Lily, complete with comprehensive planting instructions on the label, ensuring successful cultivation. Transform your garden into a fragrant paradise with this outstanding Lily variety, promising both visual and aromatic delight.