Vinometer - uses capillary effect for measuring alcohol content

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Capillary effect vinometer for measuring alcohol content will allow you to control the level of alcohol in your home-made beverages.

It can be used only for white dry wines. Additionally, the sugar must be completely fermented. This device has a measuring range of 0 to 25% and measurement uncertainty of 3%.

The device consists of two parts: a container and a prismatic capillary tube.

In order to conduct the measurement correctly and receive a trustworthy, true result, fill the vinometer container with a small quantity of liquid. Wait until the capillary tube fills with wine. As soon as the beverage starts to flow out of the capillary tube, turn it over and leave on a flat surface. A part of the capillary tube will empty and the rest will indicate the alcohol level in the given wine.


Width: 2.2 cm

Depth: 2.2 cm

Height: 13.0 cm

  • Width: 2.2 cm
  • Depth: 2.2 cm
  • Height: 13 cm.