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Azalea, rhododendron, camellia and acidophilic plant fertilizer with a pump - Zielony Dom® - 300 ml

54.00 kr
Bought by: 52 people
In stock

This fertilizer is dedicated for growing all acidophilic plants, such as azalea, rhododendron and camellia. It is a strong acidifying agent and enables you to achieve a soil pH of 3. A handy bottle with a pump allows you to precisely dose the amount needed for preparation of a watering solution. It also prevents the product from accidental spilling.

The package contains 300 ml of the acidophilic plants' fertilizer, sufficient for preparing of circa 50 litres of ready-to-use water solution.

Each package contains instructions of use and the best-before date.

  • Capacity: 300 ml

Application method:
fertilize the plants from March to October. Pot plants: 5 doses per 1 litre of water. Balcony plants: 10 doses per 1 litre of water. 1 dose equals one press of the dispenser. Water the plants with the prepared solution every week.