Bird spikes

Bird spikes will allow you to put an end to the continuous and unwanted visits that pigeons, magpies, and crows pay you at the balcony. We present sturdy slats made of lightweight yet sturdy plastic that is also weather resistant. You can choose from slats of different lengths and various spike lengths. Our products can be mounted on a balcony railing, windowsill, cornice, and gutter - virtually everywhere where birds dwell. You can attach them to the surface with screws or glue. To make the spikes less visible and "frightening" we offer them in various colours (black, brown, terracotta) that would fit the colour of a windowsill or railing. It will make the slat melt with the background and mask it at the same time.

Does that sound good? We kindly invite you to take a closer look at our offer! Check the special affordable prices and the free delivery option. Your satisfaction is our priority. Buying at our online store will bring you only quality items. Make an order and see for yourself that our bird spikes are everlasting!

61.15 kr
Presented bird spikes offer the best protection against birds. The spikes were devised to be mounted on a balcony. The main goal of the product is to deter...
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93.10 kr
Presented bird spikes offer the best protection against birds. This product comes from Exoflora, a renown brand of gardening products and accessories. The...
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