Granulated Nitrophoska - comprehensive fertilizing - 5 kg

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Nitrophoska belongs to the popular all-purpose fertilizers intended for comprehensive feeding of all cultures, not only in the field, but in gardens, greenhouses and under covers, too. It supplies the plants with all necessary micro- and macronutrients, hence you might expect the crops to be rich and of high quality.

The package contains 5 kg of fertilizer.

Each package contains application information and the best-before date.

  • Weight: 5 kg

Application method:
soil application - during the entire vegetation period by watering around the root area. Foliar application - on weak, abandoned, discoloured, poorly blooming plants. Avoid pouring the fertilizer over flower and buds, do not fertilize in the full sun. The dosage depends on the culture type and is outlined in the table that is printed on the package.