Lily of the valley, double-flowered (Convallaria majalis Prolificans); May bells, Our Lady's tears, Mary's tears - large package! - 10 pcs

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The double-flowered lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis Prolificans) is the one and only variety that develops stunning, double flowers. It stands out with exceptionally abundant blooming, as its erect stalks weigh down under dozens of snow-white bell-shaped flowers. These double flowers develop on the background of erect, smooth, ovate, sharp-tipped leaves. The whole plant grows up to 30 cm, yet since it grows intensely year after year, it definitely attracts attention. A carpet bedding of the May bells, as this plant is also called, dazzles with its beauty and the sweet, alluring fragrance.

Rhizomes of the lily of the valley should be planted in spring in partially shady locations, e.g. under tall deciduous trees or in company of tall rose varieties. Plants growing in the full sun may be hampered by drought and the blooming of those growing in deep shade might not be as abundant as expected. Lily of the valley of the Prolificans group is rather undemanding in regard to soil. It likes all kinds of soil, apart from the calciferous ones, provided they are sufficiently moist. Due to its high vigour and expansiveness it is recommended to provide it with more area for development. It may be successfully used as living mulch in less frequented garden spots and under trees, as well as in the partially shady rock gardens. Edgings and spacious, white-flowered carpets of the lily of the valley would also look spectacular. Low hosta varieties, fens and the heart-leaved bergenia (e.g. "Baby Doll", "Morgenrote" and "Purpurea") prove to be the best company for this tiny garden beauty.

One package contains 10 large, healthy first choice rhizome. Plant growing instructions were included in the package information.

  • Use: ornamental - covering plant, shady garden spots
  • Vegetation form: perennial
  • Foliage: erect, smooth, ovate, sharp