
Mycorrhiza is a unique phenomenon - symbiosis of plants and microorganisms that live in the soil in their root system. This cohabitation brings profits to both sides, yet we concentrate on the beneficial effects the useful fungi have on plant vigour, productivity and resistance to pathogen bacteria and viruses. Roses and rhododendrons, conifers and evergreens, orchids and even lawns that are supplemented with mycorrhiza show significantly higher tolerance to stressful growing conditions and diseases. They absorb more water and minerals from the soil, develop more abundantly and delight with a healthy appearance. Try out these products and see for yourself!

Order mycorrhiza in form of the easy to apply vaccines. You only need to apply it once, because in contrary to standard fertilizers it does not decompose nor gets washed away from the soil, yet constantly nourishes its microflora. The mycorrhiza vaccines presented below - both the all-purpose ones and those specially dedicated to particular plant species - are premium quality products, whose efficiency has been positively tested. We offer mycorrhiza from renown producers: Biopon, Zielony Dom and many others. Check out the All-purpose mycorrhiza that ensures 1000x larger root absorption surface. You may use it for fruit trees and shrubs, perennial herbs and ornamental plants. The Lawn Mycorrhiza, Conifer Mycorrhiza, Mycorrhiza Vaccine for Roses and Mycorrhiza Vaccine for Rhododendrons, Heathers, Blueberries and Heaths are only a few representatives of our ever growing selection of products.

Get to know us, the Garden Seeds Market, better and invest in health and beautiful appearance of your plants. Low prices, cheap home delivery and seasonal sales belong to the pillars of our offer. You will be surprised, how much money we will allow you to save!

20.23 $
This is an all-purpose mycorrhiza vaccine intended for all plants and those recently planted an transplanted in particular. Mycorrhiza is a fertilizer that...
In stock

21.53 $
Presented endo-mycrorrhiza vaccine is intended to supplement every kind of plant - ornamental, fruit-bearing and vegetables. There is no risk of...
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31.10 $
A thallus mixture for heaths and heathers. Presented vaccine for heaths and heathers contains the FYTOHELP association root bacteria. These bacteria...
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31.10 $
Mycorrhizal vaccine (fungi mycorrhiza) for thuja - juniper - yew - fir - pine - spruce - daglesia - - birch - chestnut tree - walnut tree - linden tree -...
In stock

31.10 $
This vaccine contains association root bacteria FYTOHELP. These bacteria strains show strong antagonism towards Phythophthora cinnamomi, a bacteria that...
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33.34 $
A magnificent, green hedge, juicy green conifers casting shade over a gazebo or towering over a lawn is something many gardeners dream of. You will achieve...
In stock