"Podpiwek Łódzki" (Lodz Malt Beer) - home brewing kit - 100 g

52.86 HK$
Bought by: 20 people
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"Podpiwek Łódzki", a malt beer from Lodz, is a famous non-alcoholic drink made of specially composed cereal mixture (rye, chicory, roasted sugar beet, hops) and yeast. It is similar to beer, yet it contains no or only minimal amount of alcohol. This drink, traditionally made of natural ingredients only, is delicious, refreshing and said to have medicinal properties, too. It is a true vitamin and mineral bomb. It contains plenty of anti-oxidants and probiotics. This tasty, preservative-free beverage may be consumed by all family members, including children.

Preparation of malt beer does not require much effort nor time. The product offered here allows you to prepare from 5 to 10 litres of this beverage. Boil the package contents in the appropriate amount of water, drain, add sugar and cool down. Add yeast and pour the liquid into, preferably plastic, bottles. Do not fill them up. Crash the bottles gently. These measures allow the beverage to work naturally. The fermentation takes 2 to 3 days at room temperature. After that time transfer the bottles to a cool place. Store the ready malt beer in a fridge.

The price offered here is valid for one 100 g package of "Podpiwek Łódzki" (Lodz malt beer). Detailed preparation instructions and the best-before date are printed on the package.