Arctic Snow daylily - large package! - 10 pcs

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The Arctic Snow daylily (Hemerocallis hybrida) is a classic beauty that produces huge flowers and develops a nice, compact growth form. Its creamy-white petals gradually turn yellow towards the centre of the perianth. Long and narrow leaves are packed in lush, dense tufts that reach height of 45 to 60 centimetres. Flowers grow in groups of a few on stiff, erect stems. New develop every day in summer. Daylily looks great planted in larger groups, both on a perennial border and alongside a path or a driveway. You can plant them next to ponds.

Daylily can be planted in the garden in spring and autumn, preferably in sunny situations, as they bloom less abundantly in the shade. They like fertile, humous soil with a high water capacity. Plants regularly fertilized with compost or mineral fertilizer will pay you back with magnificent flowers. Daylily is a hardy plant in Central European climate.

One package contains 10 rhizomes of the Arctic Snow daylily. Essential growing instructions have been printed on each package.

  • Variety: Arctic Snow
  • Use: ornamental - garden
  • Growth form: tufts with erect flower stalks
  • Flower colour: creamy-white to yellow
  • Vegetation form: perennial
  • Foliage: long, narrow
  • Site: sunny; fertile, humous soil with high water capacity
  • Bulbs: 10
  • Height: 45 to 60 cm
  • Flowering period: summer
  • Planting period: Spring or autumn
  • Wintering in the ground: yes

81.37   8.14 x 10 =  81.37

CODE: 013035