Distiller's yeast Turbo - Grom (Thunder) 24 h - 180 g

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Distiller's yeast Turbo Grom 24 h is a super efficient yeast selection with the specialist nutrient, that ensures efficient and quick fermentation of sugar-based blends, Use of professional yeast with the admixture of the appropriate compounds allows you to prepare great tasting liquor that will also delight with the tender aroma of home made beverage.

One package of the product is intended for preparation of 25 litres of blend. Preparation is easy and does not require any professional equipment. You only need to dissolve 7 kg of sugar in 6 litres of hot water and add 15 litres of cold water afterwards. As soon as the blend temperature reaches 30-35⁰C, pour the contents of the package in and stir the whole blend thoroughly. Place the container in a quiet, warm place and let ferment for 24 to 96 hours. Please take into consideration that the fermentation process might be impetuous and tight sealing of the container should be avoided at all cost. We recommend to clarify the blend prepared in the way described above.

Selection ingredients: distiller's yeast, mineral nutrient, vitamin B1.

Each package contains 180 g of the Turbo Grom 24 h distiller's yeast.