Granulated horse manure - Ogród-Start® - 8 kg

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Granulated horse manure - Ogród-Start® - 8 kg - is an all-purpose fertilizer intended for use in fruit, vegetable, herb and ornamental plant cultures. As an entirely natural, organic product, it may be used in eco-friendly cultures of edible and decorative plants, both in industrial farming and in home gardens and allotments. So why it is worth to choose granulated horse manure? First of all, it contains a complete set of necessary macro- and micronutrients in quantities that do not lead to overfertilization, nor sudden change of soil reaction. Manure fertilizer offered here in our garden store contains plenty of organic matter that enriches soil with humus and optimizes its structure. Soil becomes lighter and aerated after manure application, yet it displays better water capacity and provides excellent environment for usable bacteria and other microorganisms. Granulated horse manure from Ogród-Start® is available in powdery form, that makes it easy to apply, and is free of unpleasant smell. Since it has been fermented and dried before being packaged, it does not contain pathogens nor weed seeds in contrary to the fresh manure. Presented plant food may be safely used during entire vegetation period.

We hereby offer 8 kg packages of granulated horse manure from Ogród-Start®.

Dosage: 4 kg of fertilizer is sufficient to feed 40 m2.
Composition - this fertilizer contains the following minerals:
Nitrogen - 2.9%
Phosphorus - 2%
Potassium - 1.9%
Magnesium - 1%
Lime - 6%
Time of application: this fertilizer can be applied from March to November. The manure can be applied to greenhouse cultures the whole year long.