Triple lever metal corker - Alfa - green

71.06 лв
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The green "Alfa" triple lever metal corker proves to be absolutely necessary during bottling of your self-made wine. A properly sealed bottle guarantees that your beverage will not lose any of its properties during storing. The product that we hereby present is easy and convenient to use. This type of corker requires significantly less power than the usual hand corkers. It is easy to precisely drive the cork in, as it is evenly squeezed and pushed in by the device. It will tightly seal the bottle. The corker offered here in our store significantly facilitates corking bottles filled with home made beverages.

The corker that we proudly present here has been manufactured of metal, what makes it perfectly durable. It will serve you for years. It is easy to operate and does not require using of much force. It will allow you to cork every bottle. Triple lever metal corker squeezes the cork evenly and therefore pushing it into a narrow bottle neck becomes easier. This device allows you to use corks with a maximum diameter of 25 mm.