Tulip - Mascara - GIGA Pack! - 250 pcs

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Introducing Tulip Mascara, a truly unique variety in the world of tulips. These exquisite blooms belong to the reliable Triumph tulip group and boast a captivating red-chocolate hue. The petals gracefully curve to form elliptical buds with a slight taper at the top, creating a classic and elegant appearance.

Mascara tulips are a versatile addition to any garden, harmonizing beautifully with a range of colors, including purple, red, pink, orange, or even a touch of yellow. Their delicate chocolate undertones make them a perfect choice for garden beds or containers on balconies, adding a touch of sophistication to your outdoor space. These hardy and continuously blooming tulips will adorn your surroundings with satin-like flowers from late April to early May, reaching a target height of 30-45 cm.

Caring for Mascara tulips is a breeze. Regular deadheading, which involves removing spent flowers, is essential to maintain their beauty. The leaves should be allowed to wither naturally as they provide essential nourishment to the bulbs. While tulips are frost-resistant and can remain in the ground over winter, it's advisable to dig up the bulbs periodically for stronger, more abundant blooms. Regular fertilization with multi-component fertilizers until flowering is recommended for optimal results.

When planting Mascara tulip bulbs, choose a well-draining, fertile, slightly moist, and sunny location. These flowers thrive under the warm rays of the sun and can also be planted beneath leafless trees or larger shrubs. The ideal time for planting is in the autumn, during September and October, allowing you to plan your floral compositions with these stunning tulips. Plant the bulbs at a depth of 10-15 cm, maintaining an even spacing between each bulb.

This GIGA Pack includes a generous collection of 250 high-quality Mascara tulip bulbs, ensuring an impressive display of their unique beauty. Elevate your garden with the charm and elegance of Mascara tulips, and enjoy a burst of captivating color in the springtime.

$270.00   $5.40 x 50 =  $270.00

CODE: 021023