Agastache, Anise hyssop - Blue Fortune

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Anise hyssop (Agastache) Blue Fortune belongs to the mint family. It develops an erect habit with long, spiky inflorescences at the tips of stiff stems. These flower clusters consist of tiny bilabial flowers that attract pollinating insects. The about 50 to 70 centimetres tall Agastache is a phenomenal, highly decorative and versatile plant. It grows exuberantly, forming sparsely branched shoots covered with dark green, dentate, slightly pubescent leaves. A tuft producing an avalanche of blue-purple flowers, should rank high on your list of flower bed and pot plants. Presented plant and its pleasant herbal scent perfectly harmonize with other species of garden perennials. They create intriguing arrangements in larger groups against the background of a hedge or boulder. Lush Agastache spikes are suitable for displaying in a vase, where they remain attractive for quite a long time.

Blue Fortune is a variety that thrives at sunny positions, because only there is it able to fully show its decorative qualities and a healthy, compact habit. Anise hyssop prefers well-drained, fertile, moderately moist soil with a neutral, preferably even slightly acidic reaction. The presented variety shows high vigour and good hardiness.

Each package contains one first-quality rhizome of the anise hyssop (Agastache) Blue Fortune. Basic plant facts and a quick growing guide were printed on the packaging label.

  • Variety: Blue Fortune
  • Use: ornamental - garden, pots, cut flower; melliferous
  • Growth form: erect
  • Flower colour: blue-purple
  • Vegetation form: perennial
  • Foliage: dark green, dentate, slightly pubescent leaves
  • Flower type: tiny, bilabial, gathered in spike-shaped clusters
  • Site: sunny; well-drained, fertile, moderately moist soil with a neutral, preferably slightly acidic reaction
  • Bulbs: 1
  • Height: 50 to 70 centimetres
  • Wintering in the ground?: yes
  • : Giant hyssop, hummingbird mint (?)