Mycorrhizal vaccine for roses

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This vaccine contains association root bacteria FYTOHELP.
These bacteria strains show strong antagonism towards Phythophthora cinnamomi, a bacteria that causes dangerous plant disease called phytophtorosis. The usable bacteria also help plants to start symbiosis with the mycorrhiza fungi.

One package allows you to supplement from 5 to 25 plants.

Should be applied once during plant's lifetime.

Mycorrhiza advantages:

• increases root absorption surface 1000 times
• enhances tolerance to water shortages, temperature changes and wrong soil pH
• Speeds up plant growth
• protects from root diseases
• Improves overall plant condition

This product is recommended by the Polish Mycorrhiza Society

Apply the fertilizer from March to the end of September. Dosage: Plants grown outdoors: 1 dose equals 1 press of the handle (circa 12 mm of the piston length) = 20 ml. Small plants: 1 dose of 20 ml. Large plants: 2-3 doses (about 40 - 60 ml). Seedlings: Mix the contents of the mycorrhiza bag with 350 ml of water. Soak the roots in the mixture directly before the planting. The contents of the package allow to feed circa 25 seedlings.