Onion Seeds

You will find seeds of various onion cultivars in our store. They come from proven sources, hence show great quality and germination capacity, what results in yielding rich crops in the right cultivation conditions. If you wish to introduce an intriguing onion to your garden, choose winter onion seeds. It will adorn your furrows with its tall, vividly green chives, diversify your diet in the winter, but also help you fight colds, as it contains extremely high amounts of vitamin C. You may also show interest in unusually mild and tender sweet onions, whose seeds are available in our store in many varieties, like the popular „Ailsa Craig”.

We also have shallot onion seeds available in our offer. This onion produces tender bulbs high in vitamins. We recommend it as addition to sandwiches and salads. Dried shallots can be used as aromatic seasoning. You will also find plenty of common onion varieties in our store, „Sochaczewska” or „Wolska” to name only a few. If you are interested in red-scaled onions, try the „Red Baron” variety that can be stored for a long time.

Onions should not be missed from any garden, as this tasty and nutrient-rich plant also repels some pests. It also has proven medicinal values – antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal – and beneficially affects cardiovascular system. Lose no time and pick up your variety!

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