Rhododendron fertilizers

Rhododendron fertilizers will help you fulfil your dreams of vigorous shrubs covered with marvellous flowers. These products, rich in macro- and micronutrients, will fully meet nutritional requirements of the abundantly blooming plants. If you only started to prepare for rhododendron planting, we recommend to use the Biopon Acidifying Fertilizer that enriches the soil with minerals and lowers its pH value, adjusting it to the acidophilic plants' needs - not only rhododendrons, but conifers and hydrangeas, too.

In order to be 100% sure that your new shrubs take roots, use the Mycorrhiza Vaccine for Rhododendrons, Heathers and Blueberries. This natural, organic product contains the usable association bacteria that live in symbiosis with acidophilic plants' roots. They enhance water and nutrients' absorption capabilities and protect plants from the soil diseases. One application of this mycorrhiza will be sufficient for the whole life of the plant!

We offer competitive prices for these and other excellent products, supplied by the renown and trusted producers, such as the Agrecol's Rhododendron Fertilizer, the Rhododendron and Magnolia Fertilizer from Target or the Sprayer Pump Fertilizer for Rhododendrons, Camellias and Other Acidophilic Plants from Zielony Dom.

Our online garden store offers the best available fertilizers for ornamental plants and many other gardening and household products - visit the other departments and see for yourself! Our trusted suppliers have been working with us for years. Thanks to them we are able to offer high class rhododendron fertilizers off hand: add it to the cart, confirm the order and we will take care of the rest. We are always there for you!
