Dahlia - Preference - GIGA Pack! - 50 pcs

Old price: 324.66 Fr.
194.80 Fr.
You save: 129.86 Fr. (40%)
Promotion ends 2024-06-10
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Currently, this is the lowest price in the last 30 days: 194.80 Fr.
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Transform your garden into an artistic haven with the 'Preference' Cactus Dahlia, now available in a GIGA Pack of 50 pieces. This enthralling variety features unique inflorescences that are a blend of both spherical and star-like shapes. Its sharp, tubular petals add an element of excitement and a touch of extravagance to the blooms. Awash in vivid shades of pink, these flowers offer a visual feast from July through to September.

Basking in full sunlight, 'Preference' unfurls its blooms in abundant splendour, making it an essential addition to any garden. Whether you're designing perennial flower beds, lining fences, or adorning decorative pots and containers, this dahlia brings its unique allure to various settings. Moreover, its striking flowers make excellent cut blooms, adding an extraordinary flair to any bouquet.

If your garden has elements you'd rather conceal, 'Preference' offers an elegant solution. With its height ranging from 70 to 100 cm, it serves as a perfect screen for walls, fences, or any other features that might disrupt your garden's harmony.

As a bulbous perennial, 'Preference' is not frost-resistant and will require lifting before the winter months. However, its soil requirements are uncomplicated; it thrives in light, permeable garden soil that is preferably rich and compost-fertilised.

Don't miss the chance to elevate your dahlia collection. Order your 'Preference' dahlias today and revel in their breathtaking blooms. Their cactus-like appearance is sure to garner attention and admiration among your circle of gardening enthusiasts.

This GIGA Pack includes 50 first-choice 'Preference' dahlias. Each product label furnishes essential information about the plant's characteristics and care requirements.

324.66 Fr.   3.90 Fr. x 50 =  194.80 Fr.

CODE: 026210