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Fern fertilizer - BIOPON® - 500 ml

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Fern fertilizer - BIOPON® - 500 ml

Fern fertilizer from BIOPON®, available here in 500 ml bottles, is a professional fertilizer intended for supplementation of all fern varieties and species. It will feed ferns grown both at home and in the grden. Its contents have been specially selected to provide plants with the proper care and supply them with all necessary nutrients. Increased nitrogen content stimulates ferns to more intensive growth and spreading. Regular application of the presented preparation beneficially affects taking root and health of the plants. Their leaves become larger and take on an vividly green colour.

This mineral, liquid fertilizer is easy to use. You only need to dissolve it in water and irrigate plants with the prepared solution. This method of application allows you to combine watering with fertilization. One package of this extremely efficient product allows you to prepare circa 50 litres of the watering solution. You may use the fertilizer all year long. Apply it once a week during the most important growth stage from spring to autumn. As soon as the plants enter dormancy stage, one application per month would be absolutely sufficient. Regular use of the product supplies plants with all necessary nutrients and they will pay you back with a magnificent appearance.

The package contains 500 ml of fern fertilizer from BIOPON®, as well as the best-before date and detailed instructions of use.


Application method:
one-third of a cap (10 ml) per 1.5 litres of water. April-September: every 10-14 days, October-March: once a month. Intended for watering or foliar application.