Forage Grass Seeds

10,907 18,180
Promotion ends
25,500 42,500
Promotion ends
"4N Gala" hybrid ryegrass - 5 kg -40%
26,723 44,540
Promotion ends
"4N Koga" annual Westerwold ryegrass - 5 kg -40%
27,983 46,637
Promotion ends
Forage grass selection - Łąkowo-pastwiskowa ŁP-16 - 2.5 kg -40%
33,880 56,467
Promotion ends
Festulolium Perseus - 5 kg -40%
39,710 66,183
Promotion ends
M1 Pasture grass selection - for hay meadows, with legumes  -  - 5 kg -40%
41,793 69,653
Promotion ends
46,610 77,683
Promotion ends
Cover crop seed mix 'MP-8' for root and tuber crops - 10kg pack -40%
52,813 88,020
Promotion ends
54,000 90,000
Promotion ends
55,820 93,033
Promotion ends
57,660 96,100
Promotion ends
57,660 96,100
Promotion ends
MP-6 Pasture grass selection - an aftercrop winter pasture mix - 10 kg -40%
58,977 98,293
Promotion ends
Forage grass selection - For pastures, without legumes KP-10 - 5 kg -40%
59,100 98,500
Promotion ends
60,240 100,400
Promotion ends
Forage grass selection - For hay and silage KP-1 -  10 kg -40%
63,583 105,973
Promotion ends
66,840 111,400
Promotion ends
Forage grass selection - "Łąkowa KŁ-5" - for meadows- 5 kg -40%
67,060 111,767
Promotion ends