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Squill bulbs, Scilla

Welcome to the Squill bulbs, Scilla category! In this extraordinary subcategory, you'll discover a selection of exceptional bulb flowers for your perusal. The Squill bulbs, Scilla category encompasses many species and varieties, each presenting a treasure trove of beauty within their small but vibrant blooms. Take your time to browse through our offers and select those that tantalize your senses—you’ll undoubtedly crave more once you experience their charm!

Among the most cherished in the Squill bulbs, Scilla category are the Siberian and Scilla bifolia species. While the three-leaf and Mediterranean varieties are less common, they are equally delightful. These winsome little flowers boast designs of tiny stars or delicate bells, unfolding in hues of white, blue, violet, and pink. Come spring, they blanket the ground beneath still-leafless trees, crafting a tapestry of color that provides a spectacular visual feast. Suitable for rock gardens and containers alike, these flowers are the perfect addition to your spring garden, bursting into life as early as March and April. When placed at the edge of flower arrangements and in abundant clusters, they captivate with their undeniable allure, blending seamlessly with snowdrops, wood anemones, or crocuses. Depending on the species, these ornamental plants can reach heights ranging from 15 to 50 cm.

For those considering adding these gems to your garden, the ideal planting time is late summer or early autumn. Simply plant the small bulbs approximately 5-7 cm below the ground level, and watch as they thrive in sunny to semi-shaded spots, in virtually any garden soil. These frost-resistant wonders not only spread rapidly but are also low-maintenance, making them a joy for any gardener. Once you plant them in your garden, you’ll understand the sheer delight of gazing upon a field adorned with these enchanting flowers.

Within our online store, we offer these first-class flower bulbs for sale. Choose the ones that captivate you the most, plant them, and revel in the transformation of your garden. With our swift, hassle-free shipping and attractive prices, your dream garden is just a click away. Welcome and happy shopping!

18.80 leu 11.28 leu
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19.46 leu 11.67 leu
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21.16 leu 12.69 leu
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21.15 leu 12.69 leu
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21.15 leu 12.69 leu
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22.82 leu 13.69 leu
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32.24 leu 19.34 leu
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Portuguese squill
45.01 leu 27.01 leu
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200.95 leu 120.58 leu
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200.95 leu 120.58 leu
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