Foliar fertilizer with zinc "Zdrowy Pomidor" (Healthy Tomato) - Zielony Dom® - 300 ml

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"Zdrowy Pomidor" (Healthy Tomato) from Zielony Dom® is a foliar fertilizer enclosed in a handy atomizer bottle. The properly selected formula of this product helps plants grow stronger, bloom more abundantly and produce more fruit. This PK-type fertilizer has been enriched with lime and zinc. "Zdrowy Pomidor" (Healthy Tomato) is recommended not only for fertilization of tomatoes, but may be used to supplement bell peppers, strawberries and beans, too.

Ingredients: 0.2% phosphorus (P2O5), 0.08% potassium (K2O), 0.14% lime (CaO), 0.05% EDTA chelated zinc (Zn)

Application: Product is intended for foliar application - shake the bottle well before use; spray it all over the leaves and flowers on every plant.

One package contains 300 ml of zinc-enriched "Zdrowy Pomidor" (Healthy Tomato) fertilizer from Zielony Dom®, an amount sufficient to feed circa 25 plants.

Application method:
Tomatoes, peppers, beans, strawberries - spray the flowers and the leaves around them in order to moisten them. Spray all new flowers, too.