Nerine (Nerine undulata) - 1 piece

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Nerine is an original, unique perennial plant that blooms in autumn - until November in favourable weather conditions. The species offered here develops several slender, stiff, naked flowering stalks that reach height of 40 cm. These stalks branch at the top and end with large (even 7 cm in diameter) pale pink flowers consisting of surprisingly long, narrow, decoratively arched petals. Nerine develops narrow basal leaves that form tufts resembling an abundant grass tuft. Since this extraordinary garden beauty starts to bloom only in August, we strongly recommend to invite it to your borders. This plant will definitely extend the bulb flower season. This plant is, on the other hand, a terrific solution for greenhouses, winter gardens and pots. Its mesh, charming flowers retain their ornamental value in vases for a long time.

Nerine bulbs should be planted into permeable and humous soil in the second half of spring. Please make sure that the soil is sufficiently permeable and do not forget about a drainage layer, e.g. fine gravel, in pot cultivation. This plant feels great both on sunny and partially shady sites. It is rather undemanding and displays frost resistance. You would only need to cover the culture with fleece or conifer twigs during periods of extreme frost.

One package contains 1 bulb sized 10/12. Plant growing instructions were printed on every package.

  • Use: Ornamental - borders, greenhouses, winter gardens
  • Growth form: tufts
  • Vegetation form: perennial
  • Foliage: narrow, grass