Balcony plant fertilizer sticks - BIOPON® - 30 pcs

1,369 Ft
Bought by: 37 people
In stock

Fertilizer sticks offer a very convenient fertilization method - you only need to stick them into the soil. Nutrients are gradually released during watering and continue to supply the plant for up to two months. Thanks to this product your plants will grow abundantly and remain in good condition. You may used them not only for balcony, but for home plants too.

Dosage instructions: pots with diameter up to 12 cm - 1 pc, ø up to 15 cm - 2 pcs, ø up to 18 cm - 3 pcs, ø up to 21 cm - 4 pcs, and so on; balcony boxes - 1 stick every 6 cm; in winter (November - February) - half of the normal dose.

The package contains 30 fertilizer sticks for balcony plants.

Each package contains instructions of use and the best-before date.