Black All-purpose Fertilizer - with usable microorganisms - Zielony Dom® - 500 ml

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Black All-purpose Fertilizer with usable microorganisms from Zielony Dom®, offered here in 500-ml packages, is an unique product that combines nutrient with a vaccine. The liquied presented here has been manufactured of molasses and enriched with minerals that plants need to grow and bloom abundantly. This product satisfies all basic nutritional needs of pot plants. Besides the nutrients the Black All-purpose Fertilizer from Zielony Dom® enriches the soil with usable fungi Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma asperellum. All valuable microorganisms it contains use the sugars from the molasses as nutrient and quickly colonize plant roots. Their effects on the plants are quite contrary to the infuence of pathogen fungi: they do not harm the plants, but help them absorb more water and nutrients by rejuvenating their roots. The usable fungi eliminate the pathogens and protect the plants fed with the offered product from diseases. Regular application of this fertilizer supports balanced growth and health of all home plants.

Presented product is supplied in concentrated form, hence you need to dilute the prescribed dose of the fertilizer - dosage instructions are to be found in the package information - in water before applying it to the plants. One bottle of the Black Fertilizer allows you to produce up to 67 llitres of the ready-to-use plant watering solution.

The package contains 500 ml of Black All-purpose Fertilizer with usable microorganisms. This is an original Zielony Dom® product.