Long-lasting conifer fertilizer - BIOPON® - 1 kg

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This two-phase fertilizer is intended for feeding all kinds of conifer shrubs and trees, both small and large. Granules release the starting dose of nutrients right after the application. During the subsequent weeks numerous other granule layers dissolve, releasing additional portions of nutrients. Your conifers would be supplemented for up to 120 days after the initial application that way, hence you would only need to fertilizer once in every four months.

The package contains 1 kg of the long-lasting conifer fertilizer, what should allow you to fertilizer circa 50 m2 of land.

Each package contains instructions of use and the best-before date.

  • Weight: 1 kg

Application method:
Once during a season, apply from March onwards. Conifer trees, shrubs and hedges: 20 - 30 grams per 1 m2. One package is sufficient to fertilize 50 m2 of land.