Conifer fertilizer with micronutrients - Target® - 8 kg

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Conifer fertilizer with micronutrients from Target®, available here in 8 kg bags, is a multicomponent fertilizer that contains all micronutrients that plants need. It completely satisfies their demand for nutrients. Presented product consists of all fundamental nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur with additional micronutrients - boron, copper, iron and zinc. It has been composed the way that ensures plants with all substances they need to develop properly and healthily. All conifer species supplemented with it will grow rapidly thanks to appropriate nourishment. It strengthens plants, ensures vivid, green colouring of the foliage and prevents it from browning.

This granulated product is exceptionally easy to use, as you only need to pour it around the plants. The measuring cup included in the set makes appropriate dosing even easier. We recommend to use this product during the whole vegetation season, from March to July. Applying it every 3-4 weeks would satisfy all nutritional requirements of your conifers. Regular use additionally helps to maintain proper, acidic reaction of the soil that is of utmost importance in growing conifer trees and shrubs.

The package contains 8 kg of the Target® conifer fertilizer with micronutrients, as well as the best-before date and detailed instructions of use.

Dosage: the optimal dose of the fertilizer is 100 grams per 1 shrub.