Ant repellents and sprays

Welcome to the ant repellent department! If those biting insects have invaded your garden or what is even worse, built their nest at your home, you can make a good use of our ant traps, insecticide tabs, powders, and sprays. You will not find such a wide selection of the original products of the renown brands like Arox, Bros, Substral, Target, and Zielony Dom anywhere else.

Ants belong to the most common pests. Those living in the garden damage lawns and beds and create symbiotic partnerships with aphids that feed on your plants. The pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) and black garden ants (Lasius niger) who dwell in houses and feed on the food, destroy furniture, floors, and walls, but can also painfully bite. That is why our online store offers ant repellents that allow you eliminate all species of those nagging insects - both those who live in your garden and at home. Learn more about our assortment!

We recommend to try the cost-effective ant elimination option first - our customers' favourite Bros Ant Powder. You can get rid of the insects who inhabit your kitchen and pantry with the Bros Mrowkofon that is available in large packages. Have you found an ant nest? Choose Ants Control from Target, Mrowex from Bros, the liquid Ant Stop, or Ant and Running Insects Preparation from Substral. The Naturen Gel Ant Trap from Substral, an eco-friendly product that is equally effective as the chemical agents, is our proposal for all nature lovers. The above mentioned products constitute only a fraction of our offer - we encourage you to browse through the list below, watch the product images, and read product descriptions. We sell original ant repellents of proven effectivity in fighting all kinds of ants at home, in other buildings, and in gardens. See how much you can save by buying online at our store. You are always welcome here!