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"100 dni" (100 days) Long-lasting rose fertilizer - Substral® - 1 kg

Bought by: 27 people
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This long-lasting "100 dni" (100 days) rose fertilizer from Substral®, available in 1-kg bags, is a high quality product intended for comprehensive supplementation of all rose varieties. Its contents have been specially selected to meet all plant's needs. It stimulates abundant growth and the large nitrogen content stimulates production of new shoots. Potassium content supports magnificent, abundant blooming. The admixture of magnesium beneficially affects colouring of foliage and flowers. We hereby present a complete, valuable fertilizer with an extended performance. Slow release of small nutrient doses ensure optimal supplementation of the plants over the course of up to 100 days.

In contrary to other fertilizers, the product offered here guarantees daily fertilization of the plants without risking overfertilization or leaf burn. What is even more important, it acts up to three times longer than the traditional fertilizers. It is also characterized by excellent absorption by the plants. Small doses that are released to the soil are assimilated in 70% by the roots. One application would be enough to provide your roses with proper fertilization for the course of the whole vegetation season.

The package contains 1 kg of the long-lasting rose fertilizer "100 dni" (100 days) from Substral®, as well as the best-before date and detailed instructions of use.

Dosage: broadcast the fertilizer around the plant, 40 grams per 1 shrub.