Deep baking tin, mould with a cover - DELÍCIA - 36 x 25 cm

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A deep DELÍCIA - 36 x 25 cm baking tin with a cover is a multifunctional all-purpose kitchen accessory intended for baking and roasting cakes, casseroles, meat, fish, vegetables and savoury dishes such as lasagne. This sturdy steel mould has been covered with a non-stick layer. A cutting edge technology used in production ensures even heat distribution and therefore ideally baked and roasted food that will be evenly heated and browned at the bottom, in the middle and at the sides. The non-stick layer ensures complete protection from sticking and burning food. The DELÍCIA baking tin maintains its excellent properties for a long time thanks to the high resistance of the non-adhesive layer to scratching.

The fitted cover made in part of transparent plastic allows to tightly seal the ready dish. That way you can store the cooled tin with its contents in the fridge, without losing its taste or acquiring foreign aromas.

The deep DELÍCIA baking tin can be used in all kinds of ovens: gas, electric and fan assisted. It is dishwasher safe what makes using and cleaning it even easier. This product comes with the 3-year manufacturer's warranty.

Baking tin dimensions:

  • Length: 36 cm
  • Width: 25 cm
  • Height: 5.5 cm

The price quoted above is valid for 1 DELÍCIA deep baking tin with a cover, sized 36 x 25 cm.