Easy-to-use Acidifying fertilizer - Florovit® - 1 kg

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The acidifyine agent from Florovit® offers an effective method of lowering pH value of the soil. That way it provides all acidophilic plants, including azalea, blueberry, violet, hydrangea, conifers, magnolia, raspberry, rhododendron, heath, heather, cranberry, with optimal growing and development conditions. It may applied by broadcasting or dissolved in water and applied during watering.

The package contains 1 kg of the fertilizer, an amount sufficient for supplementing circa 35 m2 of land.
Each package contains instructions of use and the best-before date.

Fertilizer application rate:

• Soil preparation: 12 grams of the product per 10 litres of soil. Mix the fertilizer with the soil.

• The already growing plants:

- broadcasting - 15 grams per 1 m2. Apply 2 times a year: before the start of the vegetation and at the beginning of June

• Watering:

- rhododendrons, azaleas, blueberries - dissolve 10 grams of fertilizer in 10 litres of water, apply every 3 to 4 weeks

- conifers, heathers, hydrangeas - dissolve 5-10 grams of fertilizer in10 litres of water, water the plants with the solution once a month.